5 useful information about Vietnam water puppets

Vietnamese water puppetry is a fascinating art form with a rich history and unique appeal. Only here has such a special type of traditional community entertainment. Let’s join Balala to learn about the unique elements in the content below.

1. What is Vietnamese water puppetry?

Vietnamese water puppetry is a captivating ancient art form where wooden puppets perform on a water stage, controlled by hidden rods manipulated by puppeteers standing waist-deep in the water. It’s a unique blend of theater, puppetry, music, and folklore, offering a window into Vietnamese culture and tradition.

2. History of water puppetry

This tradition dates back to the 11th century, originating from villages in the Red River Delta in Northern Vietnam. Initially, farmers performed puppet shows in flooded rice fields, using wooden puppets controlled by sticks hidden in the water. This gave rise to the name “water puppet”.

Cultural context of Vietnamese puppetry

  • Reflection of rural life: Early puppets depicted animals, villagers, and mythical creatures relevant to their agrarian society.
  • Storytelling and moral lessons: Performances conveyed folktales, legends, and historical narratives, teaching audiences about traditional values and social norms.
  • Entertainment and community bonding: Provided a source of leisure for rural communities and brought people together during festivals and celebrations.

3. Vietnamese water puppet

Intricately carved from wood, often depicting animals, mythical creatures and human figures, these puppets can weigh up to 15kg and are crafted with incredible precision. The puppets depict a vibrant world, showcasing animals like dragons, turtles, and buffaloes, along with farmers, mythical creatures, and even historical figures.

The puppeteers manipulate the puppets from beneath the water’s surface using bamboo rods connected to the characters’ limbs and heads. This creates the illusion of the puppets gracefully gliding on the water.

4. How does the water puppet show in Vietnam take place?

The performance takes place on a small pool or pond, usually darkened for better visibility of the puppets. The water’s surface acts as a screen, reflecting the puppets’ movements. Skilled artists stand waist-deep in the water, hidden from view by a bamboo curtain or screen. They manipulate the puppets using long, thin bamboo rods connected to the puppets’ limbs, heads, and other movable parts. These rods are submerged and invisible to the audience.

Accompanying the performance are traditional Vietnamese instruments like drums, gongs, and wooden clappers. Singing and chanting may also be present, providing narration, commentary, or dramatic sound effects. Stories often draw from folklore, myths, and legends, reflecting cultural values and historical narratives.

5. Where to see water puppetry?

To see puppetry, you can refer to the locations below. It is recommended that you search for information on the Internet and book tickets with available hours and price ranges.

Thăng Long Water Puppet Theatre
57B Đinh Tiên Hoàng St., Hoàn Kiếm District, Hanoi

Vietnam Puppet Theatre
361 Trường Chinh St., Thanh Xuân District, Hanoi

Hội An Theatre
548 Hai Bà Trưng St., Hội An

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